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di C. Gounod

Bunka Kaikan


Tokyo, Giappone

Regia: Davide Garattini Raimondi
Scene e costumi: Domenico Franchi

Conductor: ABE Kanako

[Jan 27]
Faust: MURAKAMI Toshiaki
Méphistophélès: Alessio Cacciamani
Marguerite: SUNAKAWA Ryoko
Valentin: OKA Akihiro
Siébel: KONO Yumiko
[Jan 28]
Faust: SAWASAKI Kazuaki
Méphistophélès: ITO Takayuki
Marguerite: SAKODA Miho
Valentin: IDE Soshiro
Siébel: TAJIMA Yuka
and more

di C. Gounod

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